Logan Hullinger Profile image

Logan Hullinger

Logan Hullinger is an independent journalist covering addiction, drug policy and the harm reduction movement in Baltimore. Previously, he was an award-winning city government reporter.

82 Posts

Baltimore, Maryland
The importance of prevention in the era of fentanyl Post feature image

The importance of prevention in the era of fentanyl

National Prevention Week is dedicated to preventing substance use and promoting positive mental health. While substance use may not be entirely preventable, many of its harms can be.

Baltimore needs accessible methadone clinics, not harmful stigmas Post feature image

Baltimore needs accessible methadone clinics, not harmful stigmas

Residents in West Baltimore, an area plagued with high overdose death rates, are trying to block a methadone clinic from opening. Doing so would be a disservice to those struggling with addiction.

Amid controversy over opioid settlement spending, Baltimore's intentions are unclear Post feature image

Amid controversy over opioid settlement spending, Baltimore's intentions are unclear

Mayor Scott highlights harm reduction efforts in biennial public safety update Post feature image

Mayor Scott highlights harm reduction efforts in biennial public safety update

Mayor Brandon Scott on Monday detailed progress made on the city's Comprehensive Violence Prevention Plan, which includes work to expand harm reduction efforts.

Baltimore's obsession with violence distracts from a more lethal foe Post feature image

Baltimore's obsession with violence distracts from a more lethal foe

Baltimore media and local politicians will talk about gun violence whenever given the chance, yet overdoses take significantly more lives each year.

New data shows teenage drug use has plummeted. But how reliable is it? Post feature image

New data shows teenage drug use has plummeted. But how reliable is it?

The annual Monitoring the Future survey shows that drug and alcohol use among teens has dropped precipitously in the past 50 years. But it may be misleading.

Greater Baltimore Addiction Resources

Mayor Scott proposes 44% increase in substance abuse funding in 2025 budget Post feature image

Mayor Scott proposes 44% increase in substance abuse funding in 2025 budget

The proposed $4.06 billion budget, released Monday, balances a projected $62 million shortfall and allocates about $2.3 million for addiction and mental health services.

Mayor Scott talks overdose crisis, new initiatives in State of the City address Post feature image

Mayor Scott talks overdose crisis, new initiatives in State of the City address

“Killing nearly three times as many people in our city than gun violence, no one in Baltimore has escaped the impact of this crisis," Scott said.

An addict's recovery-fueled identity crisis Post feature image

An addict's recovery-fueled identity crisis

“Once an addict, always an addict,” 12-step programs teach newcomers. Yet at what point does making addiction a part of one's identity hurt more than help?

Top Baltimore mayoral candidates mum on overdose crisis as death toll rises Post feature image

Top Baltimore mayoral candidates mum on overdose crisis as death toll rises

Incumbent Mayor Brandon Scott and former Mayor Sheila Dixon have failed to address the city's overdose crisis, which claimed more than 1,000 lives in the most recent 12-month period.

Harm reduction is imperative to save lives in Baltimore and beyond, says researcher and author Sheila Vakharia Post feature image

Harm reduction is imperative to save lives in Baltimore and beyond, says researcher and author Sheila Vakharia

Sheila Vakharia, harm reduction expert and author of "The Harm Reduction Gap," spoke to The Long Haul recently about the importance of harm reduction in combating the overdose crisis.