Logan Hullinger Profile image

Logan Hullinger

Logan Hullinger is an independent journalist covering addiction, drug policy and the harm reduction movement in Baltimore. Previously, he was an award-winning city government reporter.

82 Posts

Baltimore, Maryland
States mull using opioid settlement funds for cops rather than helping addicts Post feature image

States mull using opioid settlement funds for cops rather than helping addicts

States are considering using cash from opioid settlements to bolster their police forces. It's a blatant misuse of funds that is a slap in the face to the addicts victimized by Big Pharma.

Awareness won't solve drug overdose deaths, but it's a start Post feature image

Awareness won't solve drug overdose deaths, but it's a start

People should be reminded this International Overdose Awareness Day that shedding light on the epidemic is a good start. But it's horribly inadequate in lieu of tangible action.

With opioid epidemic alive and well, many go without treatment Post feature image

With opioid epidemic alive and well, many go without treatment

With less than half of U.S. adults with a substance use disorder having received treatment, Baltimore and other cities throughout the U.S. struggle to help those in the throes of addiction.

The loss of Eddie Quinn, a recovery legend Post feature image

The loss of Eddie Quinn, a recovery legend

Quinn himself struggled to stay sober for years but also died with years of clean time under his belt last week. The man will never be forgotten by those he helped fight addiction.

Recreational marijuana finds a home in Maryland Post feature image

Recreational marijuana finds a home in Maryland

Saturday marked the first day of recreational marijuana sales in Maryland. It is one of 23 states to have legalized cannabis, and only time will tell how the new law impacts residents.

On to the next phase Post feature image

On to the next phase

After a long journey, I'll be heading to Baltimore to begin the next chapter of my life. It's unclear what it will bring, but the foundation I've built is a good start.

100 days of sobriety Post feature image

100 days of sobriety

It is by far the longest I've been clean, and it has been anything but a smooth journey.

Mental health in the era of hate Post feature image

Mental health in the era of hate

It's Mental Health Awareness Month. But those who struggle the most continue to deal with a wave of bigotry and hatred because of who they are.

Addiction initiatives in the U.S. face an uphill battle Post feature image

Addiction initiatives in the U.S. face an uphill battle

Seattle is planning a sobriety incentivization program. It's a well-intentioned approach, but it can only do so much given the constraints of the country's capitalist system.

The Long Haul: An introduction Post feature image

The Long Haul: An introduction

Addiction, politics and everything in between.