How to send Mobtown Redux tips, story ideas and feedback

Saturday's newsletter is going to be a good one — I promise. But as someone with a brain still recovering from years of chaotic substance use, ideas for future editions of the Redux Newsletter are bound to run out at some point.

I've always said journalists are nothing without their sources and, in my experience in the field over the last seven years, feedback and tips from readers often become hard-hitting news stories. That has been true both in my time writing at newspapers and running an independent publication.

Therefore, in the spirit of reader participation, let's make a trade. Tell me what you'd like to know more about, and I'll write on it — it's that simple.

In a society largely accustomed to the decades-long War on Drugs, subjects such as harm reduction may be a foreign concept to some. To others, it's a crucial part of their identity. Regardless of what basket you fall into, I'd love to hear from you.

Tips, questions and feedback can be anything related to addiction, drug policy or harm reduction. From there, I'll talk to my growing list of sources and turn your input into a future newsletter or an article in one of the publications for which I write.

For those who want to reach out, fill out the email form below (it will only be visible if you're reading this on the Mobtown Redux website) or email me directly at

You can also send a secure message to me on Signal at loganhullinger.24. Your anonymity will be protected.

I look forward to hearing from you, and remember you can support my work in multiple ways. In addition to accepting donations, Mobtown Redux offers free and paid subscriptions. Even general feedback gives me a reason to keep doing this.

See you Saturday.

Mobtown Redux now accepts donations. Donate by clicking here.