Welcome to Mobtown Redux, a newsletter covering addiction, drug policy and the harm reduction movement in Baltimore. This marks a new chapter of harm reduction journalism in the epicenter of the overdose crisis.
The decision to launch this publication comes after some self-reflection. As my freelancing gigs pick up, I've realized that I'm now in a place where it's no longer sustainable to run Mobtown Mag, my former news website, while also writing for other publications. It's unfortunate, but I can't say I'm necessarily surprised.
Those who have had success in independent news ventures typically have some things in common: either they have an existing audience base, money in the bank or both. I had neither, and the publication's lack of growth led me to decide that it was time to let it go.
So, in typical addict fashion, I'm pivoting.
Mobtown Redux will continue to be home to my latest articles for publications such as the Baltimore Beat and Filter, which are excellent nonprofits for which I've come to love writing. I'll also continue to regularly update my overdose data dashboard and list of harm reduction resources.
Now, however, I'll be introducing weekly newsletters about everything harm reduction. Published every Saturday, they will feature local and national news roundups, commentary and more. I'll also publish articles intermittently as news unfolds.
This endeavor seems a bit more manageable, minimizing my chances of self-destructing. In reality, not all that much will change. Now, however, I'll just have more time to focus on freelancing while running a kick-ass newsletter on the weekends.
This change by no means will hinder what has always been my goal: to document the overdose crisis, shed light on the plight of those who use drugs and generate awareness of local drug policy.
You should expect nothing less than a continuation of the same uncompromising reporting that embodies a radical, advocacy-based approach to journalism — one always driven by the principles of harm reduction.
As always, I'm grateful to those who have supported my writing and have expressed interest in saving lives amid an unprecedented overdose crisis. With a robust, dedicated harm reduction movement, I couldn't live in a better city for what I've set out to do.
The first newsletter will go live next Saturday, so mark your calendars and don't forget to subscribe or donate to support my work. The transition to Mobtown Redux will likely mean more frequent short-form content, so you won't want to miss it.
See you next week, folks (unless some news breaks in the meantime, which is bound to happen in this damn city).
For those wishing to contact me, fill out the email form here. You can also message me on Signal at loganhullinger.24.